My mother said to me, "If you become a soldier, you'll be a general, if you become a monk you'll end up as the pope". Instead, I became a painter and wound up as Picasso.
— Pablo Picasso
When I was six I was supposedly asked what I would like to be. "Doctor!" came the pat reply. When same question was put across when I was 11, I answered "Engineer". At 15, I wanted to be an "Artist" : at 17, I a "Nurse"; and the answer kept changing.
My friends had similar replies doctor/pilot/engineer- no doubt parroting the perception of the society engraved in our minds. No importance was given to other professions. However, times have changed. My six -year- old niece wants to be a "Successful Mode" and my teenage nephew wants to be a "Musician" and their partents have no objections regarding his'wants'- not yet.
It feels great to know that traditional perceptions regarding profession have changed.
- By Smriti RDN Neupane